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This page page features questions previously submitted by users on the "Ask the Stats Make Me Cry Guy" page. Although we now use the forum for these questions instead, I decided to leave these posted so that the information was available!

Entries in ANOVA (2)


ANOVA and t-test Question: How do I know if I should be using a t-test or an ANOVA with my data? (Will, Ann Arbor, MI)

Thanks for the question, Will! From a practical/application perspective, both a t-test and an ANOVA are generally used to compare means between groups (although there are several types of t-tests). However, a t-test is commonly restricted to only testing between two groups (could be independent or related, depending on the type off t-test), while an ANOVA can accommodate a comparison of three or more groups. In some cases  a t-test can even be used to test a single group, to determine if the mean of that group is significantly different from a predetermined value (one sample t-test). There are other statistical differences also, but that is a summary of the differences in application.


ANOVA, MANOVA, and MANCOVA Question: What is the difference between ANOVA, MANOVA, and MANCOVA? (Eric, Lafayette, IN)

The difference can definitely be confusing. There are differences on a few different levels. First, an ANOVA is different from both a MANOVA and MANCOVA because an ANOVA has only one dependent variable, while both a MANOVA and MANCOVA have multiple dependent variables. An ANOVA typically compares a continuous (a.k.a interval or scale variable) between multiple independent groups of responses (usually 3 or more groups).

By contrast, both a MANOVA and MANCOVA have multiple dependent variables, but there are differences between the two as well. The difference between a MANOVA and MANCOVA lies in the number of independent variables. A MANOVA, like an ANOVA, has only one independent variable (which is typically a categorical variable that represents independent groups) and compares multiple dependent variables between independent groups.  A MANCOVA is a similar concept to MANOVA, except it allow for multiple independent variables (a.k.a. covariates).

In a MANCOVA, one is able to examine  multiple dependent variables for differences between independent groups, while controlling for other variables that may also be related to the DV. These covariates may be either categorical or continuous. I hope this helps, Eric! Please keep the questions coming!