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    Misc. Stats Topics Discussion > HELP please

    Dear all, i desperately am looking for help, consider the following problem:

    1. We have 1 set of data

    Attribute Grouping Score

    Age <=30 -5
    <=60 0

    Weight <=100 -6
    >100 10

    Height <=100 -8
    <=125 -5
    <=150 -2
    >150 1

    and then we have the following score ranges

    -19 to -5 A
    -5 to 15 B
    16 to 18 C

    now say that someone who gets a score of say 1 (depending upon his attribute values) then he should have a result of (B)

    my problem is that i need to scale here:

    1. The values of column "Score" so that my over all score could be between 0 and 8 instead of (-19 to 18) and also based on the following ranges

    0 to 3 = C
    3 to 6 = B
    6 to 9 = A

    (please note we have also reversed the order)

    March 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPlease

    I'm sorry but I'm afraid I don't understand what you are asking. Please try to repost your question as clearly as possible. Sorry I can't be of more immediate help.

    March 27, 2013 | Registered CommenterJeremy Taylor