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Regression Discussion > interpretation of ordinal logistic regression

how to interprete ordinal logistic regression in R have been fitted a model, score~cluster(5 levels)...coefficient of cluster(3 levels) are significant and 2 levels are insignificant but the whole model shows significant result. how can i interprete this.....

April 15, 2012 | Unregistered Commentershanjeeda

Thanks for posting, Shanjeeda! The "wh0le model" being significant simply implies that you've explain a significant portion of the likelihood of response in your binary DV (assuming this is a binary logistic regression).

When you say that coefficient of 3 levels are significant (of your "cluster" variable), do you mean that they are dummy coded? If it is dummy coded, it is unusually that all five levels have their own significance score, since one is typically the reference category. Am I misunderstanding something?

April 17, 2012 | Registered CommenterJeremy Taylor