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Regression Discussion > moderated multiple regression steps, is it correct?


ım studying moderated effects of percieved social support and justice world belief on relationship between stress coping strategies and depression level. ı haver never run this analysis before soi ı want to check my steps whether correct or not.

first ı run regression
in step 1
centered independent variables and centered moderators

(next) in step2
two way interactions

(next) instep 3
three way interactions

as results ı found significiant two way and three way interactions. "It ıs important after this"

for example two way interactions;
ı run 2 slopes that fit in with Winnifred's suggestion ( p.6)
my criteria for significence was the centered indipendent vairable (that has significant interaction level) in Block 2--------- is this way is correct?????

second to plot this slope ı used Dawson' s 2 way unstandardised excel spreadsheet ( In spreadsheet it is required to enter unstandardised regression coefficients of IV, moderator and interaction. ın which block the coefficients are true for entering IV and moderator co efficients?????
ın 1 block (that include main effects) or in 2 block (that include interactions)?????

one more question: In three way spreadshhet it is necessary to enter variance of IV*Moderator coefficient. ın matrıx which covariance block is correct to enter this value? should ı look at second covariance block or third covariance block.
like this,for value of Covariance of IV*Mod1, IV*Mod2 coefficients which covariance block must be taken as correct???
thaks so much

Note: excuse me for my English

July 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKıral