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Regression Discussion > General linear model- univariate spss write up

Hi all,

perhaps this is a silly question but to me who is clueless I need help!

My lecturer kindly directed me to use General linear model, Univariate analyses on my data (one continuous and one categorical). I have done this and although there are no significant results, I have a moderate effect size for most of my variables. I need to know what this type of anaylsis is call for my write up...I'm struggling, do I write 'a univariate analysis was completed and ...' ? Is the significance an 'F' or 'p' value? and how do I report the effect size (eta squared)? I'm writing in psychology APA style.

thank you very very much in advance for any feedback received!

June 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMia

Hi Mia!

Thanks for your post! What you are describing sounds like a "Univariate General Linear Model", so that is how I'd describe it. Typically, the significance is determined and reported using a p-value, although the F-statistic should be reported also, according to APA style. If you have a sizable effect size, but no significant p-values, you could have an under-powered model. Is your sample size small?

June 15, 2011 | Registered CommenterJeremy Taylor

Thank u Jeremy, this was very helpful!
yes I have a small sample size as it is a service evaluation and there is a lot of missing data. i also completed a repreated measures analysis of the complete cases over time and seem to have some p significance so perhaps it is going ok!
thanks, i will return here again,

June 20, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermia