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MANCOVA and MANOVA Discussion > MANCOVA output & Estimated Marginal Means

I'm examining a repeated measures MANCOVA with two outcomes (T1 and T2 for each as repeated measures) with 5 covariates. I request the estimated marginal means output and plot to see what the means are for T1 and T2 adjusting for the covariates. My primary multivariate and between subjects output shows a significant effect for change in Variable 1 and for change in Variable 2. However, the Estimated Marginal Means output shows an increase from T1 to T2 for Variable 2 (which is NOT a good thing and NOT what we expect) - there is an additional "multivariate" output table accompanying each EMM table for each outcome. THAT table shows that differences between T1 and T2 for Variable 2 are NOT significant - and clearly based on the very small difference, this appears to be an accurate statistic.

I am confused about why the primary multivariate output and the EMM multivariate output do not match. Aren't the statistics in the primary (and by primary, I mean the overall multivariate output with all covariates and such at the beginning of the output) supposed to be accounting for the effects of the covariates on the outcome (change/time for Variables 1 and 2)?

I cannot locate any annotated description of the SPSS output that includes these EMM multivariate tables online or in any of my SPSS books.

Thank you for your time!


August 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterChelsea