MANCOVA and MANOVA Discussion > MANCOVA: SPSS output help needed.
Hi Jane,
Thank you for your question. MANCOVA results can certainly be difficult to interpret. To confirm I understand, are you saying that the effect of TIME and of all interactions involving TIME are non-significant, but the between subject effect of the covariate alone is significant for two of the DV's?
If so, the effect it sounds like you are describing would indicate that the covariate is significantly predictive of differences in score for the DV(s), but NOT predictive of differences in the rate of change (slope) over time of the DV (which would be indicated by the interaction between TIME and the covariate being significant). Since TIME itself is not significant, that suggests that your DVs do not change in a linear way over time, though you can also see if there are non-linear effects (e.g. quadratic) by specifying the the "Polynomial" contrast for for TIME (as shown in my tutorial on Repeated Measures MANCOVA).
I hope that is helpful, Jane!
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about to cry.
i have time 1 and time 2, 3 dvs, and 2 covariates. multivariate result indicates no significance for time, and both interaction terms for time and covariates. HOWEVER, when i look at the between subject above the within subject under multivariate test, one of the covariates is significant. does that mean that variable impacts all dvs in some way but not specified? so then, i looked at tests of between subject effects and saw that for one of the covariates, two of the dvs were significant. what does such result mean?? thanks in advance for your help. i really appreciated.