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MANCOVA and MANOVA Discussion > MANOVA Hypotheses

Hello, I'm confused about what hypotheses are being tested in a MANOVA. I think the multiple DVs are throwing me off. I am conducting a study on perceived empathy in therapy via videoconferencing. I will have 2 categorical IVs (mode of communication and therapist attire) and 2 continuous DVs (degree of extraversion and perceived empathy). What would the hypotheses look like for this particular MANOVA? I feel completely lost. Thanks!

July 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAshley

Hey Ashley,

Generally, the MANOVA determines if there are differences between groups for the 2 DVs overall. You can then also determine if the groups differ for each DV separately in the output of the MANOVA also. Here is a good slide show/lecture on the topic by Steven A. Juliano & Joseph E. Fader:

July 15, 2012 | Registered CommenterJeremy Taylor