Although Dr. Kenny is well-known for his expertise with mediators and moderators, the topics covered on his website are not limited to this area. Dr. Kenny adeptly explains Structural Equation Modeling, Social Relations Models, and more...
HyperStat Online is the brainchild of David M. Lane, who is a professor (Rice University) and stats guru. Dr. Lane's site is a bevy of statistical resources, including useful links to other sites, online statistical tools (such as power calculators), and
R-Bloggers.com is a central hub (e.g: A blog aggregator) of content collected from bloggers who write about R (in English). The site will help R bloggers and users to connect and follow the “R blogosphere”.
StatsBlogs is a blog aggregator focused on statistics-related content, and syndicates posts from contributing blogs via RSS feeds. They are dedicated to facilitate information sharing and exchange in the statistics community.
The focus of Kevin MacDonell's blog is on his work with university fundraising, and the lessons he learns along the way. However, even if your aren't part of the fundraising world (which I'm not), Kevin presents an interesting approach to statistics and d
Raynald explains his site better than I could, when he says: I have answered about 2,100 questions posted to these two discussion groups. It is more fun to learn SPSS by answering real questions rather than just reading the books and "making up problems"
This link serves an extremely specific purpose, but it serves that purpose EXTREMELY well. If you are conducting a meta-analysis, you are doing yourself a disservice if you don't use this page, it's as simple as that.
As the name suggests, this is a tutorial series on the basics of using R statistical software, which is open-source and free, but somewhat complex to learn.
Dr. AnnMaria De Mars is President of The Julia Group, a small company which provides on-line education in statistics, mathematics and disability issues. Besides all that, her blog is interesting, informative, and often quite entertaining!
The of the University of Florida's "Virtual Library of Statistics" as a repository of resources, which can be very useful.
The Analysis Factor is a great website, owned by Karen Grace-Martin, which features a stats blog, workshops, and webinars!
The StatPages- Interactive Statistical Calculation Page is mainly an index of pages online that allow users to perform online statistical calculations.
This web site provides training and tools to help you solve statistics problems quickly, easily, and accurately - without having to ask anyone for help.
John F. Hall's website that offers useful SPSS tutorials and other great resources!