To syndicate or not to syndicate, that is the question...
As some of you probably noticed, life doesn't always allow me to blog as often as I'd like. However, I don't want that to stop the flow and dissemination of info to my readers, especially when I'm constantly stumbling across great content in the "blogosphere", on a variety of stats topics!
With this in mind, I'm thinking of adopting the practice of occasionally posting (in a limited way) a syndicated article that I think is especially interesting. To be clear, I intend to spread good content not steal someone's effort. To make this clear, my plan is to only post the title and a paragraph or two of the article, which will be followed by a link to the full article on the original blogger's site.
What do you think? Do you think a curated stream of stats content that I particularly find interesting, sprinkled in among my normal blog posts would be a good idea?
Editorial Note: Stats Make Me Cry is owned and operated by Jeremy J. Taylor. The site offers many free statistical resources (e.g. a blog, SPSS video tutorials, R video tutorials, and a discussion forum), as well as fee-based statistical consulting and dissertation consulting services to individuals from a variety of disciplines all over the world.
Article originally appeared on Stats Make Me Cry (
See website for complete article licensing information.